Although declawing is fairly common practice in the United States, it can be a painful, and even harmful, surgery, especially if done on the wrong cat or done using outdated methods. Declawing is the removal of the first joint of bone on every toe, not just the claws.
Declawing at the Scratching Post Cat Hospital
The Scratching Post Cat Hospital only declaws cats' front feet by laser. (What is and why laser only ?)
We strongly urge you to consider and trying alternatives to declawing before resorting to it as your last resort. Some cats do poorly after being declawed and could develop undesirable personality traits, like biting. Unfortunately, most of these cats end up homeless. You must be committed to having your cat for life and never turn her loose outdoors after she's declawed.
Because the front claws are cats' primary defense, declawed cats may develop a tendency to bite more as their claws yield no desired effects. This is especially important for people with young kids. Kids need to learn to give kitty her space. Cat bites are a lot worse than cat scratches. Kittens do tend to do fine after declawing, as long as the veterinarian performing the surgery does it correctly (preferably using Laser), and the owner takes proper care of the cat after surgery. Once declawed, cats should be kept exclusively indoors as they are now vulnerable to dogs and other wildlife.
Declawing the hind feet is not necessary. Cats only scratch with their front claws. Trimming their hind claws once every 2 months or so or putting Soft Paws on them will prevent the hind claws from accidentally catching on fabric or carpet. Having hind claws will allow the cats to scratch their ears. Imagine not being able to scratch an itch ! We can trim your cat's claws for you.
Alternatives to declawing
Cat with Soft Paws
There are alternatives to declawing. Providing a scratching post and training your cat to use that over furniture and curtains is crucial. Scratching is a natural, instinctive behavior that cats do to stretch and sharpen their claws and to mark their territory.
Cats can be trained with dedication and time to scratch in an acceptable manner, with a combination of making the furniture unattractive (temporary double-sided tape like Sticky Paws, loud noises when caught in the act, foil, citrus spray, etc.) and making the scratching post attractive (cats like natural rope, burlap, or similar texture much more than carpet, on a strong, tall sturdy surface). If the post wobbles the cat won't use it. There are also products (e.g. Soft Paws) which are plastic caps that fit and glue over the nail so no damage is done when the cat scratches. These caps have been known to stay on for as long as 4 months and they come in a pack of 40 caps at a very good price. We also offer the service of applying Soft Paws on your cat if you're unable to do it yourself. Ask your veterinarian for more information.
Reasons for declawing
Declawing your cat as a preventive measure because you have small children or 'just in case she scratches' is not a good reason to have the procedure done. Children need to learn to give kitty her space and when to leave her alone. When your cat gets no response from her now ineffectual claws, she may bite. Cat bites are much worse than scratches, often requiring hospitalization. Every veterinarian has been requested to euthanize cats because they bite, and often this is the result of declawing the wrong cat. Many cats don't scratch furniture and only stick to scratching posts and pads. Give your kitty a chance.
You should NEVER declaw a cat that will be going outdoors. It is too tragic and common a sight to see a cat mauled to death or nearly so, because he could not defend himself.
Prevents damage from scratching
-Simple alternative to declawing
-Do not interfere with normal retraction of claws
-Kit includes nail caps for up to four complete applications
Apply directly to nails; will not interfere with normal claw extraction and retraction. Lasts from 1-4 months. Kit contains 40 nail caps, six applicators tips, two tubes of adhesive, and complete instructions. Comes in 5 different colors: Red, Purple, Clear, Blue, Pink.
A lot of people have been surprised at how well these work. Try them today. It's only $16.99 per kit. If you're not able to apply them on your cat, we can put them on for you.