Your cat's health is as important to us as it is to you. We are pleased to offer laser surgery as an exciting new option for safe, comfortable treatment. In many procedures, the laser can replace the scalpel and provide a better alternative to traditional surgery.
What is laser ?
A laser is a device that generates an intense beam of coherent light that can cut, seal or vaporize tissue.
Laser technology reduces the trauma to your cat, improves recovery, and often shortens hospital stays.
Why laser surgery ?
- Less Pain - The laser seals nerve endings as it "cuts." As a result, your cat will experience less pain and be more comfortable post operatively.
- Less Bleeding - The Laser seals small blood vessels during surgery. This speeds many procedures, reducing the time your cat needs to be under anesthesia, which further reduces possible complications.
- Less Swelling - Laser energy does not crush, tear or bruise tissue because the only thing that touches your cat is an invisible beam of light.
What does this mean for my cat ?
- Reduced risk of infection - As the laser removes diseased tissue, it seals the skin and reduces the amount of bacteria present.
- Precision - The laser can remove unhealthy tissue while minimizing adverse effects to healthy surrounding tissue.
- Quick return to normal activities - Healing is rapid and there is less post-operative discomfort and a better course of healing.
Are Lasers New?
Lasers have been successfully used on humans for over 30 years. This knowledge gained in human medicine is beneficial for your cats. Your cat's health is as important to us as it is to you. Hundreds of veterinarians are offering laser surgery as an exciting new option for safer, more comfortable treatment. In many procedures, the laser can replace the scalpel and provide a better alternative to traditional surgery.
How Does a Laser Work?
The way a particular laser works is determined by the specific wavelength of light that it produces. For example, the most commonly used surgical laser is a CO2 laser which produces an invisible beam of light that vaporizes the water normally found in the skin and other soft tissue. Because the doctor can precisely control the laser, only a thin layer of tissue is removed, leaving the surrounding areas unaffected.
What type of procedures can a laser perform ?
The laser is ideal for a wide variety of surgical procedures. Laser surgery is commonly used in soft-tissue surgical procedures which include the following. Ask us if you cat's procedure can be done by laser:
- Cat declaw, spays, neuters, amputations
- Oral/dental procedures
- Mass removals/dermatology