Easter Lily
Tiger Lily, Easter Lily, Japanese Show Lily, Oriental Lily, Stargazer Lily, Lily of the Valley and certain other members of the Liliaceae family are highly toxic to cats -all of these are very common in floral bouquets. Ingesting any part of the plant causes irreversible kidney failure within 36-72 hours.
Please rush your cat to your vet if you even suspect that he ate any part of a lily, even if you think he's only been nibbling at it. When a cat starts showing signs of distress, it is often too late to save him.
Emergency After Hours Care
Within only a few hours of ingestion of the plant material, the cat may vomit, become lethargic, or develop a lack of appetite. These signs continue and worsen as kidney damage progresses. Without prompt and proper treatment by a veterinarian, the cat will develop kidney failure in approximately 36-72 hours.
All parts of these lilies are considered toxic to cats and consuming even small amounts can cause severe poisoning. If there is a lily in your home, there is always the chance that your cat could be accidentally exposed. For this reason, cat owners should avoid exposing their cats to plants of the Liliaceae and Hemerocallis family.
The ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center is leading a nationwide campaign to warn cat owners about the dangers of lilies. Cat owners are encouraged to consider safer alternatives to Easter lilies such as Easter Orchids, Easter Lily Cactus, Easter Daisy or violets. Removing dangerous plants from your cat's home is an important part in having safer, healthier, and happier pets."
Should your feline friend eat part of a poisonous plant, rush the cat to
your veterinarian as soon as possible. If you can, take the plant with
you for ease of identification.
Other Lilies to avoid if you have a cat in your home:

Gloriosa Superba |

Lilium tigrinum

Lilium orientalis

Lilium speciosum rubrum |

Lily asiatic delicious |

Lily asiatic montreaux |