Our cat retreat is designed to provide special service to short and long-term boarders, as well as those with special medical needs.
You can rest assured that your feline friend will not be cramped in the back of a dark cage and special attention will be given to ensure a calm, relaxing and healthy stay.
*Pre-fill the Boarding form to save time. E-mail it back to us and bring in the signed copy when you drop off your cat(s).
An entire level of our facility is dedicated to single and multi-level condos, with unobstructed views of bird feeders, birdhouses and plants that attract birds, butterflies, bees and even some squirrels and chipmunks.
We have chickadees nesting in one of our birdhouses |
Condos overlook birdfeeders and flowering plants that attract birds and butterflies |
This is a well-stocked playroom, complete with big windows, overhead catwalks, fleece beds, cat tree, cat-size steps to the window perches, a plethora of toys and sunlight streaming in through the windows make this a real fun room, accessible to all guests daily at no extra charge.
At the Scratching Post, we believe that being able to stretch, hop and run daily contributes to the well-being of each guest. View of attractions outside the window, as well as big sunny windows will yield many a contented nap.
Birdhouses, birdfeeders and butterfly and bee-friendly plants just outside the windows attact birds, squirrels and a multitude of insects for our avid birdwatchers and insect fans.
A pinch of potent catnip will have your cat deliriously happy in this space.
Rate: Complimentary to guests during their stay


Ladders make windows just as accessible to older guests |
Ledges, cat trees, foliage and sunny windows provide lots of exercise or rest |
Our luxuriously appointed Purrsidential Suites, outfitted with 9 carpeted perches of varying heights, a scratching post and an upholstered chair each, allow guests even more room to explore or snuggle.
Sunny and tranquil, the suites have a close up view of a birdfeeder and birdhouses.
Rate: 1 cat $27
+$11 /each additional cat
Limit: 5 cats /suite
Purrsidential Suite has vertical ledges, chair and birdfeeder and birdhouse view |
There's never a dull moment with thieving squirrels and nesting birds around. Some claim the existence of a 'squipmunk', a cross between a squirrel and a chipmunk. |
In the suites, cats love to strut their stuff above our heads. |
Each condo has an unimpeded window view. While one side of the condo is bordered by a gate, the other side is clear glass facing a sunny window that overlooks birdfeeders, birdhouses and flowering plants that attract butterflies, birds, squirrels, chipmunks and all types of critters.
You may choose to book multiple condos for your 1 cat or all of your cats, leaving the connecting portholes open so that they may visit each other or simply to have even more room. The portholes can be left open or slightly ajar for connecting units, either horizontally or vertically, for cats from the same household, creating a potentially huge multi-unit or multi-level condo.
Each unit comes with a shelf for perching and is blanketed with a soft towel.
Rate: $17/condo unit
Limit: 1 cat per unit. No limit to number of units that can interconnect

Top: 3 level condos with glass walls. Each unit has a ledge with portholes on the side, top and bottom, allowing for many condo configurations.
Bottom: A guest exploring all the condo units avaialable to him through the portholes.
Top: Unimpeded view from inside the bright condo. A guest waits in leisure on his soft blanket for comforting "scritches"* from our staff.
Bottom: The glass side of the condo has a window view. The whole retreat basks in sunlight due to the many windows.
Please provide current paperwork from your veterinarian or shelter on required tests and vaccinations listed below. We can also contact your veterinarian or shelter for this paperwork. If such paperwork is not available, we will be happy to administer the tests and/or vaccinations at our current rate with a physical exam.
- Flea Medication administered upon admission (good for 30 days): $9/cat
- Status & Proof of current Feline Leukemia & FIV Test (please provide paperwork)
- Current Rabies Vaccination required (please provide paperwork)
- FVRCP Vaccine highly recommended
Medical |
Guests who need medication once a day: +$4 daily.
Other medical needs can be met. Please ask for more information.
Retreat Products |
• Dr. Pussums catnip toy (ask at check in)
• A sprig of fresh catnip (direct from living plant)
Grooming Services |
While your cat is staying with us, s/he may enjoy being pampered with:
- Nail trim $8
- Baths (sedation only if necessary)
- Flea baths
- Combing
- De-matting
- Lion Clip
Veterinary Services |
All veterinary services, from routine exams and vaccinations to surgeries, can be performed during your cat's stay with us.
Microchipping will help your cat come home, even if s/he is an indoor cat. For more information about microchipping, click here.
*For the health of all guests, if your cat is found to have communicable illnesses or parasites like earmites, those will be treated at your expense and access to common areas will be restricted or prohibited. S/he may be moved to our Containment Rooms.
*Pre-fill the Boarding form to save time. E-mail it back to us and bring in the signed copy when you drop off your cat(s).
If you need more information about any of the items listed here, please call 435-7228 or e-mail us at info@goodcats.com
Thank you for your interest !
* Scritch
Meaning of scritch is:
(1) (noun) A deep soothing scratch on the back of the neck or between the ears.
(2) (verb) To pleasantly abrade the skin beneath another\'s fur; to perform an act
of benevolence usually as a reward for past aid.
(3) (noun) An instance or situation where skritching occurs; a furr who enjoys